Friday, April 27, 2007

Sorry, Sifu, Hello, Kenny!

AHHHH again i need to scream. i totolly forgot that today was the fantastic driving lesson! damn! i totally forgot and i was having dinner with my friend Kenny... Oh damn the teacher called me when i was having dinner.. he said "hey it's your driving lesson today.." and i was like.... "OOOOH SHIT!" i am not sure if he's mad or not..

I was having a great dinner with my friend Kenny in Pepperonis, Soho. He's another good friend long time no see. He brought his new girlfriend along to dinner too. they look so happy together. i bless them all the best!

My feet... hurting more everyday. it is because i started to be aware of them more and more, or i am really loosing them? the feeling from the joints got greater.


Vivek Mahbubani said...

hey man, you gotta be careful of those legs!! If the doctor says give it rest, then give it rest. Maybe you need to take care of your walking posture. Perhaps stretch your leg muscles because they could be causing you to walk badly?

Also, I think you need to relax a bit more too. Stress can mess you up badly and cause your body to malfunction.

Anonymous said...

Good words.